Friday, September 16, 2011

How difficult is it to maintain a salt water environment for pet fish ...

I found a cool fish at the pet store the other day and figured I would pose the question to the Yahoo! world before I talked it over with the store or researched on the internet. I would like links to pages with information, but experience with your own salt-water tank is better received in a medium such as this.

It isn't extremely difficult. you do need to test the water at least once a week (after cycling). Adding top off water is more important because loss of water increases the salinity. you need to use reverse osmosis water to fill the tank and for top off water. the real degree of difficulty comes from the expense of extra equipment. A protein skimmer is a necessity. I love saltwater and wouldn't have an aquarium at all if it wasn't marine. Check the link below for more

i dont have any experience with salt water tanks and usually just stick to goldfish myself because of all the precautions needed to take care of a salt water tank even though i love to look at all the tropical salt water fish and how beautiful the tank are but it can be a lot of work for a beginner. you would also need to learn the chemistry of it all i was never the best at chem in high school but i still needed to know basics for just my little fresh water tank . the worst case i ever heard with salt water fish was when we had a petco built in town about 2 years ago they set up their salt water tanks and somehting happended and they didnt allow enough time for the water to equilize for the fish and the shipment they got the day before they opened all died so for months they didnt have the fish and many of our other local petstores dont even bother with salt water fish because of all the hassle.

I love it! it is very tedious at times. if you don't have patience you will learn them. "in the aquatic world only bad things happen quickly." it is very expensive. And yet I still cannot imagine myself ever quitting. the website below helped me alot in my early stages.But rem. too always get more sources. Please e-mail any questions and good luck!!!

not that differcult if you do the proper research for it, do proper maintance on the tank/water and have the proper equipment!
but if you don't take your time and learn alot BEFORE your start it will be a hassle and you'll be wasting alot of money?

hopefully this helps abit! icon smile How difficult is it to maintain a salt water environment for pet fish?

it is easier than freshwater. you buy the cleaning crew for salt water and there is not really any cleaning.

not much difficult

How difficult is it to maintain a salt water environment for pet fish?


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